NOTE: Most requests filed via this form will be referred back to your local IG office.
DAIG can only accept
UNCLASSIFIED Inspector General Action Requests on this website.
**Do not submit any classified information using this Inspector General Action Request form.**
To submit a classified IG Action Request, visit the Department of Defense Classified Request IG Action.


  1. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions page.
  2. Ensure the issue is relevant to the Army. If it is relevant to a different military branch, please go to our DOD, Service and VA Inspectors General page to find the appropriate contact. 
  3. If possible, try to resolve the issue with your chain of command first. Remember, no one can tell you to not talk to an IG.
  4. Gather all information you need (what, when, where, why, who). Clearly describe the issue you need assistance with.
  5. Do not enter any classified information on the electronic IG Action Request form. If your communication to an IG involves classified information, you must read the DOD Classified Complaint page first. 


Army IG Hotline

Toll-free: (800) 752-9747
DSN: (312) 865-1845



Do not enter any classified information on this form


AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 7013, Secretary of the Army; 10 U.S.C. 7020, Inspector General; Inspector General Act of 1978, Public Law 95-452, 92 Stat. 1101 (1978), as amended; DoDD 1030.1, Victim and Witness Assistance; AR 20-1, Inspector General Activities and Procedures.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To secure information sufficient to inquire into the matters presented, to take action to correct deficiencies, and to respond to requesters.

ROUTINE USES: Information is used for official purposes within the Department of Defense; to answer complaints or respond to requests for assistance, advice, or information; by Members of Congress and other Government agencies when determined by the Inspector General to be in the best interest of the Army; and, in certain cases, in trials by court-martial and other military matters as authorized by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. However, failure to provide complete information may hinder proper identification of the requester, accomplishment of the requested action(s), and response to the requester.

SORN: A0020-1 SAIG, Inspector General Records (January 11, 2002, 67 FR 1447)


Do not enter any classified information on this form

* indicates required field

Note: If you file a Inspector General Action Request anonymously, we will be unable to contact you to obtain more information about the case or provide you the results if we conduct an investigation. If you choose to remain anonymous, do not identify yourself below or enter an email. You will not receive an email confirming receipt of your input. 

(Please fill out the information below as completely as possible)

This information is submitted for the basic purpose of requesting assistance, correcting injustices affecting the individual, or eliminating conditions considered detrimental to the efficiency or reputation of the Army. Those who knowingly and intentionally provide false statements on this form are subject to potential punitive and administrative action (UCMJ Art 107 or 18 U.S.C. 1001).
Click the "Submit Army IG Action Request" button below to certify and submit the form.